Essential Oils | Thetapegaasi | Mumbai

Thetapegaasi Signature Avocado

Avocado oil is known for its many benefits working as a natural moisturizer, promoting hair and skin health, and acting as an anti-inflammatory agent. Avocado oil contains omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and Vitamins A, D, & E. It has been shown to heal dry and damaged skin, promote collagen production, reduce age spots, treat skin wounds, decrease inflammatory cells, and more. It is rich in healthy fats. Avocado oil contains beta-carotene, which helps to get rid of acne and gives the skin freshness and luster. The fats in avocado oil help prevent wrinkles and give the skin elasticity and freshness.

Thetapegasi products possess remarkable healing properties of balancing the chakras and infusing love and harmony in the aura. Externally applied to increase the Pranic Energy of the body. It is composed of pure natural extracts. BENEFITS Anti-aging. Can be consumed in raw form. Smooth and tone the skin. Cooling, moisturizing. Leaves a light sheen on the skin. Naturally hydrating promotes a feeling of well-being. Free from chemicals, parabens, and petrochemicals. Eco-friendly. Proudly made in India.


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