Essential Oils | Thetapegaasi | Mumbai

Thetapegaasi Oregano Updated: Jan 23

Oregano oil has been used for centuries to treat infections, and it’s free of harmful side effects. Using this oil may help with respiratory disorders and sinus infections. Oregano oil has been used medically from the time of Hippocrates for its ingredients. The main healing constituents found in oregano oil are carvacrol and rosmarinic acid. They are effective in the treatment of allergic asthma and is a natural antihistamines. It is antiseptic and anti-inflammatory. It can be used orally 3-5 times a day. If you are experiencing a cold or blocked sinus, oregano oil can be used as a preventative measure. It is an immune system booster and a shield against toxins.

Thetapegasi products possess remarkable healing properties of balancing the chakras and infusing love and harmony in the aura. Externally applied to increase the Pranic Energy of the body. It is composed of pure natural extracts. BENEFITS Anti-aging. Can be consumed in raw form. Smooth and tone the skin. Cooling, moisturizing. Leaves a light sheen on the skin. Naturally hydrating promotes a feeling of well-being. Free from chemicals, parabens, and petrochemicals. Eco-friendly. Proudly made in India.


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