Essential Oils | Thetapegaasi | Mumbai

Thetapegaasi Indian Patchouli

Patchouli has a long history in ayurvedic medicine, going back 5,000 years. Indians used it for poisonous snake bites and insect stings. The antiseptic oil is a wonderful addition to skin care for all skin types—from dry to oily. It’s also beneficial for clearing up inflammatory conditions such as acne, psoriasis, and eczema, and fungal infections such as candida and athlete’s foot. Among its many therapeutic qualities, the gentle patchouli oil supports digestive health and helps strengthen the immune system. In the diffuser or burner, patchouli purifies the air, removing airborne viruses and other germs while repelling insects such as flies and mosquitoes. Patchouli acts as a tonic for the whole body and may help regulate hormonal imbalances and relieve menstrual pain. Emotionally, patchouli oil is a deeply calming oil that helps to overcome sadness and despair. Use it alone or in blends for meditation or just for serenity.


Thetapegasi products possess remarkable healing properties of balancing the chakras and infusing love and harmony in the aura. Externally applied to increase the Pranic Energy of the body. It is composed of pure natural extracts. BENEFITS Anti-aging. Can be consumed in raw form. Smooth and tone the skin. Cooling, moisturizing. Leaves a light sheen on the skin. Naturally hydrating promotes a feeling of well-being. Free from chemicals, parabens, and petrochemicals. Eco-friendly. Proudly made in India.


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