Essential Oils | Thetapegaasi | Mumbai

Sustainability Policy

The purpose of Thetapegaasi’s Sustainability (Environmental, Social, and Governance) Policy (the “Sustainability Policy”) is to establish Thetapegaasi’s framework to address environmental, social, and governance (“ESG”) matters, ensuring our operations align with ethical, sustainable, and socially responsible practices. As a brand deeply rooted in holistic well-being, we are committed to making a positive impact on the planet and the communities we serve.

This Sustainability Policy applies to the brand Thetapegaasi, including all employees, suppliers, partners, and stakeholders who contribute to our operations, supply chain, and customer engagement.

DATE                 DESCRIPTION 

02/2022             First Release

  • Code of Ethical Conduct Service
  • Provider Code of Conduct

The Corporation (also referred to as “we,” “us,” or “our”) is committed to operating its business with integrity, supporting environmental and social responsibility, and building a diverse and inclusive workplace where our employees can thrive. We are committed to integrating sustainability into our overall business strategy, primarily in areas where the Corporation has the most influence, such as our operations and value chain. We define Environmental, Social, and Governance criteria as follows:

  • Environmental Responsibility: How our business practices affect the environment and vice versa. This includes energy use, consumption of resources, waste disposal, water management, and climate risk. Our policies and programs strive to achieve sustainable operations and minimize impact on the planet.
    Social Responsibility: How our organization’s operations affect our people, our customers, and the communities where we live and work. Our social policies and practices strive to build a healthy corporate culture and positive relationships with our stakeholders.
    Governance & Ethical Business Practices: How we operate, govern, and manage risk in a way that promotes sustainability and the longevity of the organization. Our governance policies and practices outline how we make decisions, set business strategy and goals, comply with applicable laws and regulations, and communicate our progress.

The Sustainability Policy applies across the brand and is relevant to all employees and stakeholders. Different business units within Thetapegaasi are expected to use this policy as guidance to assess ESG and sustainability considerations in their respective decision-making processes. This document outlines our commitments but will not include metrics of progress. ESG metrics will be reported in other forms of disclosure (i.e., ESG Report).

Thetapegaasi is committed to integrating ESG principles into every aspect of our operations.
Our approach includes:

  1. Environmental Stewardship: We continuously seek opportunities to minimize our environmental impact by reducing waste, promoting sustainable sourcing, and adopting energy-efficient practices.
  2. Social Responsibility: We prioritize ethical labor practices, community engagement, and
    fair trade, ensuring that our employees, customers, and suppliers thrive in a socially
    responsible environment.
  3. Governance and Ethics: We uphold the highest standards of integrity, transparency, and accountability in all business operations. This includes maintaining compliance with regulations, fostering diversity in leadership, and ensuring ethical decision-making.

We recognize that sustainability is an evolving field and are committed to adapting best
practices to enhance our ESG impact. This commitment extends across all business functions,
reinforcing our responsibility to the environment, society, and the communities we serve.


  • Energy Management
  • Climate Change Mitigation
  • Ecological Conservation
  • Recycling and Waste Management
  • Sustainable Water Management
  • Reduction of Carbon Footprint
  • Ethical and Sustainable Sourcing


  • Customer Experience and Well-being
  • Access to Sustainable and Affordable Products
  • Ethical Selling and Marketing Practices
  • Customer Data Protection and Privacy
  • Community Engagement and Wellness Initiatives
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
  • Employee Training and Career Development
  • Workplace Health, Safety, and Well-being


  • ESG Governance and Accountability
  • Ethical Leadership and Decision-Making
  • Business Ethics and Regulatory Compliance
  • Government Relations and Industry Partnerships
  • Cybersecurity and Data Protection
  • Risk Management and Business Continuity Planning
  • Responsible Vendor and Supplier Management

IV. Relevant Team

We recognize that our commitment to managing ESG risks and opportunities is essential to long-term value creation for our employees, customers, partners, and communities.
Thetapegaasi integrates sustainability into all activities, ensuring positive engagement with key stakeholders as outlined below:

A. Employees

Foster an inclusive and diverse workplace, ensuring non-discrimination based on gender, race, age, sexual orientation, or any other identity factor.
Promote employment stability, work-life balance, and a safe and healthy workplace for all employees.

Encourage equal opportunities and gender balance across all functions and leadership roles.
Uphold ethical behavior and responsible conduct as per our Code of Ethical Conduct.
Conduct training and awareness programs on social and environmental issues, equipping employees with sustainable business practices.
Promote corporate volunteering and community outreach programs to enhance social impact and foster employee engagement in sustainability initiatives.

B. Customers

Offer products and services that are accessible, sustainable, and provide customers with accurate, transparent, and comprehensive information.
Identify and support customers facing exceptional situations or vulnerabilities by offering alternative solutions tailored to their needs.
Integrate ethical, social, and environmental considerations into our product development, sales, and customer engagement practices.
Ensure compliance with legal and ethical standards, including measures to prevent fraud and unethical financial practices.
Educate customers on the benefits of sustainable and eco-conscious choices through awareness initiatives and product transparency.
Protect customer privacy and personal data by implementing strict security protocols and responsible data management practices.

C. consumer’s

Provide consumer’s with clear, accurate, and timely ESG-related information through multiple communication channels.
Actively engage with consumer’s to incorporate their feedback on sustainability trends and ESG priorities.
Disclose ESG performance metrics in financial reports and integrate sustainability progress into corporate communications.
Engage with sustainability rating agencies to benchmark and improve Thetapegaasi’s ESG impact and performance

D. Suppliers and Vendors

Ensure all suppliers, consultants, and partners operate ethically, responsibly, and in compliance with sustainability regulations and Thetapegaasi’s ethical standards.
Conduct regular sustainability assessments of suppliers to ensure responsible sourcing and adherence to fair trade principles.
Prioritize procurement of materials and packaging that support environmental sustainability, such as biodegradable, recyclable, or upcycled materials.
Foster long-term partnerships with vendors who align with our commitment to ESG excellence.

E. Communities

Enhance the social and economic well-being of communities by supporting wellness, entrepreneurship, education, and environmental conservation initiatives.
Establish collaborative partnerships with non-profits, local organizations, and wellness advocates to amplify positive social impact.
Encourage employee volunteering and participation in community programs that align with Thetapegaasi’s sustainability mission.
Support initiatives that promote mental and physical well-being through holistic and natural wellness solutions.

Community Support and Engagement
Provide relief for communities experiencing natural disasters and other crises through charitable donations, employee volunteering, and partnerships with relief organizations.
Foster volunteer opportunities for employees to create a company culture centered on giving, empathy, and community involvement.

V. Sustainability Commitments

  1. Internal Management
    Comply with applicable environmental laws and regulations.
    Operate our facilities with sustainability-driven leadership, focusing on continuous improvement and pollution prevention.

    Reduce our carbon footprint through system optimization, energy conservation, renewable energy adoption, and sustainable supplier collaborations.
    Implement climate risk mitigation and emergency preparedness strategies to safeguard business operations and stakeholder interests.

  2. Sustainable Business Practices
    Assess and mitigate environmental risks associated with supply chain operations, procurement, and logistics.
    Conduct environmental impact assessments to ensure compliance with sustainability goals and best practices.
    Develop investment and financial strategies that align with ESG principles, prioritizing ethical
    and environmentally conscious partnerships.

VI. Training and Development

Thetapegaasi provides ongoing sustainability education through in-person, virtual, and workshop-based training for employees.
All employees must acknowledge and adhere to the Code of Ethical Conduct upon onboarding and annually thereafter.
Regular training is conducted on cybersecurity, ethical business practices, diversity, and unconscious bias awareness.
Hiring managers receive specialized training on fair recruitment, harassment prevention, and inclusive workplace culture.
The ESG Committee remains up-to-date on evolving ESG regulations and sustainability trends to continuously enhance Thetapegaasi’s initiatives.

VII. Our Continuing Commitment

We are dedicated to advancing sustainability principles and mitigating ESG risks through monitoring, due diligence, and continuous improvement. Thetapegaasi will publish an annual ESG report aligned with leading sustainability frameworks, including the Sustainability. Accounting Standards Board (SASB) and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs).

VIII. Oversight and Policy Maintenance

We commit to reviewing and updating this Sustainability Policy periodically, ensuring it remains relevant to evolving ESG priorities and industry best practices. The policy is formally reviewed and approved by the management team to maintain accountability and transparency in our sustainability journey.

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